Foot & Mouth site map

Home page intro

FOOT Street Party report and pics.

Mouth event report1 2 Program

Mouth off at Studio 24

Foot it around Edinburgh

Foot event

Foot & Mouth, Edinburgh 2001, a festival

List of Foot & Mouth events

Foot & Mouth site index

Three sided football event

Rising Tide Critical Mass

Play on Wheels Crèche

Provisional guide for workshop co - ordinators.

Fun guerrilla - pranks, hoaxes and buffoonery

Mouth workshops

Foot & Mouth festival, FAQ's

External links:

RUS Street Party report

Why take to the streets? Flyer from 2000

Legal information

Evening events

The merits of carnival, festivity in the arms of the people

Why? Motivations for the Foot & Mouth festival

Get involved, an open letter to like minded folk

Stop the slaughter: comments on the mass culling of animals

Who organised Foot & Mouth?


( unlinked titles can be obtained by email )