The text of a flyer handed out on the day...

"Where do you want to go today?"

Out onto the street for a spontaneous, free, noisy, creative, uncontrolled carnival.
And Why?

.. Because we can

... Because reshaping urban space means that for once our space will be our space, collectively controlled for our pleasure, not ruled by the few for their profit

.... Because capitalism offers isolation from society ... the chance to stay at home, stay paranoid and keep buying things, but we want liberty, the promiscuous feeling of being amongst strangers, excitement, adventure and the trill of human contact

.. Because party and carnival have no leaders but can only exist through our mutual co-operation

... Because Romania v Portugal sounded kind of dull

... Because in reshaping urban space we liberate more than street; we free our imaginations and begin to envisage a time when we will control our own lives, when the play ethic will seem more ethical than the work ethic, when we will celebrate cooperation not competition and nature not profit, when this, this pleasure seeking, free carnival, will be everyday.

The street is a critical symbol because our whole conditioning is geared to keeping us indoors. So, when we come to challenge the powers that be, inevitably we find ourselves standing on the kerbstone of indifference wondering:
"should I play it safe or should I go out into the street?"

(more later)

reshape urban space
foot and mouth