Kenny Richey News

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Previous news: Appeal Hope for Kenny

New forensic evidence will be heard for first time in court.

This gives his best chance of winning his freedom since he was granted a last day stay of execution by electrocution last june. A federal appeal only happens in about 1 in every 5000 cases according to K. Torley. A date for hearing will be set in Feburary 99 and take place in April. It will be the first time Kenny has physically appeared in court since 1987.

Kenny was beaten by guards in 1997, according to a letter from him. This is confirmed by a letter from fellow prisoner Robert Vachook. 6-8 prisoners hospitalised by guards and 2 still in hospital.

A Letter in support of Kenny from Ohio death row support project (1997)

Please write to addresses on main Kenny Page, to ask for a new trial for Kenny so new evidence can be heard. Evidence that proves Kenny is innocent. Kenny was denied appeal without opinion. There was no hearing.

A program on Kenny done by World In Action was shown in the UK on ITV on January 12th 1998.

Main Kenny website

Justice Denied Article

Other Prisoner News
Kenny Case (long)

links including anti death penalty links