3rd Strike against Dole Bully by Edinburgh Claimants Union


image remove to protect those of sensitive dispossition, email us if you want a copy.

Alistair 'Bully Boy' Mathieson

Client advisor at Torphichen street unemployment benifit office, guilty of repeated harassment of claimants and abusing his position of power by:

Refuse to be interviewed by him!
Ask for another advisor, this is your right.

For more info and advice phone 0131 557 6242

If you want copies of the picture of Mathison used in the third strike poster then get in touch
Download this link to get whole poster as in pagemaker 5 file (303K, broken)

Coming soon to these pages more info on the '3 strikes and your out' campaign against dole bullies. In meantime if you want to know more about the idea behind 3 strikes and why we think it is a tactic worth using as part of an overall campaign of building claiment resistance; then get in touch.

3rd strike against Marianne Macdonald

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