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Feedback, comments, reports

we got good feedback from the people attending Big Blether in 2002.

Most of the attending said they enjoyed coming to Big Blether, the positive highlights being meeting up with people and networking. It was expressed that the workshops had a good, productive and informative atmosphere. The venue, the atmosphere, and the taste of the food was also among the positive points.

The activists assembled liked the gathering and the workshops being quite diverse and hope for more Big Blethers in future.

The main negative points were said to be the rainy weather, the pricey food, the violent, drunken local on the first night and difficulties to access the venue by public transport... we will take this into account when planning the next Big Blether, thanks for letting us know.

Thanks very much for filling in the questionnaire... out of 39 questionnaires, 39 said they enjoyed the Big Blether overall!

We keep the extended summary of the questionnaires of file, as we are unsure if everybody is happy to have the subjective, personal comments published openly. Thanks for also letting us know where to publicise.
However, if you want to see the whole range of answers, please contact us personally.

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