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School students' strikes against the war are sweeping Britain. In Edinburgh on 17 March up to 200 school students from Firrhill, Boroughmuir, James Gillespies, all walked out and were to the fore in the storming of Edinburgh Castle by anti war demonstrators.  Earlier Broughton High students walked out, and Leith Academy students were prominent in the anti war demo at Calton Hill on 17 March.

We are sure there must be more - let us know about your school.

Elsewhere in Scotland there were 500 - 1000 striking school students on the streets of Glasgow.  We heard that 300 students walked out in the small Fife town of Cupar, and 200 demonstrated down the main street.  Kirkcaldy has also seen school students' actions.  There have been school strikes in many places in England.

This kind of direct action is an inspiration and shows the way for everyone else.